Coaching with a holistic perspective to help people excel
09:45 Saturday Mornings - 45 minute session
Service Description
PeteWilbyTriathlon facilitates open water swimming lessons for children at our Beyond Swim accredited venue. Our junior open-water swimming sessions are for children aged 8 to 14. PeteWilbyTriathlOn coaches our triathlon swimming sessions for juniors using a holistic perspective. We have skilled staff who are trained beach lifeguards, first aiders, and qualified coaches and teachers. The junior course is both theory and practical (land and sea) to include safety and lifesaving considerations which enhance the swimmer's awareness of the risks associated with open water swimming. We gear the juniors with the key open-water swimming skills to take forward into adulthood, apply to other open-water sports and confidently compete in the open-water swimming and triathlon events.
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Contact Details
Teignmouth Seafront, Den Promenade, Teignmouth, UK